Media/Video server is back up. Fixing DM's next, apologizes for the delay.

Latest updates

  • Update 29/12/2024
    - We are now ScenesLive ! If you have problems logging in, use password recovery or write to me
  • Update 25/12/2024
    - Fixed permomance issues and visual issues
    - Users now can edit their own channel comments.
  • Update 21/01/2024
    - Updated site rules.
    - Fixed issue when blocked users can still send DM's.
  • Update 18/01/2024
    - Added a new option to hide discussions from anonymous (selected by default) and blocked users.
  • Update 14/01/2024
    - Due to feedbacks, visual settings were moved back to other settings.
  • Update 6/10/2023
    - Direct message notifications and other notifications fixed.
  • Update 13/09/2023
    - Noticed issues registering new account after moving to another server. Fixed.
  • Update 09/09/2023
    - Password change link got broken after server change. It is now fixed.
  • Update 08/09/2023
    - New server's perfomance issue has been fixed.
    - Uploader now works as intended and progress % is back!
  • Update 08/09/2023
    - Uploading now back online
    - There are few perfomance issues detected, it's due to new server.
  • Update 06/09/2023
    - Site has been moved now, but still missing videos and pictures which are still transferring.
    - Email to recover passwords now works too.
    - Uploading is on maintenance.
  • Update 03/09/2023
    - Both "Refresh" and "Toggle chat mode" buttons now removed - it refreshes automatically now. A way to go to build live-chat for streaming !
    - Channel visual settings have been moved:

    - Channel visual settings are being reworked. Adding color templates to be user-friendly.
    - Channel videos onclick - event now fixed and changes featured video correctly.
  • Update 01/09/2023
    - Chat Mode has been fixed and turned on by default, tell me if any bugs. Refresh button was hidden as it is no longer needed.
    - Youtube upload now works better and supports "Starts at:" share parameter.
    - Youtube videos no longer muted.
  • Update 30/08/2023
    - More video upload issues spotted and fixed, hopefully this was all now >_< and can move on with streaming next.
    - Decided to rename "Private messages" into "Direct messages" to avoid confusions and prevent trolls from blackmailing about privacy in the future, therefore functionality will stay as it is (not removing it). Working on adding cookie consent.
    - Updated Terms of Use
  • Update 28/08/2023
    - Due to many fake / impostor accounts, search engines (such as Google) indexing of channels is blocked / disabled. (Sorry that it took so long to do it, it will impact overall visibility negatively in search engines)
    - Thinking of making all content visible only to registered users at this point... Tell me your opinions, I think that's a good idea for upcoming stream - features :)
    - If you still have any vids playing 1-2 seconds, tell me and I will delete damaged webm files.
    - If personal messages will be only continued to be used to troll / blackmail me or others, personal messages functionality will be disabled and all personal messages deleted untill I'll get an external chat (will have to get it either way).
  • Update 23/08/2023
    - It is now possible to share yt vids without uploading.
    - .webm was bugged for a while. Re-encoding missing files, might take some time, perfomance lower meanwhile.
  • Update 22/08/2023
    - Right now all videos being progressed, as it generating many MOV files to be compatible for all devices. Temporal slowdown.
  • Update 22/08/2023 Many fixes have been done lately, such as:
    - Video views optimization fix (no more slow-downs)
    - Comment iframe videos improvements
    - All vids will now play on ALL devices, additional formats will be progressed lazily after video upload
    - Other optimizations
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